Understanding lifent trance-states is essential to understanding the concept of lifents, especially because of the importance of this family of lifents for humans individually and collectively. Lifent trance-states are our normal state of being. We are, for all practical purposes, always in a trance-state.
Lifent trance-states provide the perspectives, sense of reality, and underlying narratives that we live our lives by. They provide us a way to make sense of the world and play our part in it. They are the real-time, real-life role-playing “games” that guide us in all of our decisions and actions.
Lifent trance-states could be described as the lens attachments that allow us to perceive the world and be engaged in that world. What is it that experiences these perceptions and experiences? That is the lifent self. It is the beneficiary of all the experiences of our physical body including the brain. Our thoughts, beliefs, emotions, perceptions, and all other activities of the brain are lifents. Lifent trance-states, which provide us with our perception of the world and our experience of being in the world, are lifents. The conceptualization of the lifent self allows us to name all of our experiences as attached to us but not identical with our selves The self can perceive, and thus name, the lifents connected to that self. Lifent trance-states are critically important to human life.
Three Categories of Lifent Trance-States
You could say there are three types of lifent trance-states. The first, is the overarching sense of reality and understanding of the world that is the basis for our identity and overall roadmap of our place in the world. You could whimsically say that we put on this trance-state, as a kind of under-under garment, as soon as we wake in the morning. We wear this trance-state all day long. The second could be seen as the trance-states of varying levels of complexity we become immersed in for particular periods of time. We move from work, to home, to school, to church, to parenting, etc. with a sense of our role in each of those situations and whatever sense (positive or negative) we have about that environment and our place in it. Then there are the mini trance-states that are contained within each of these. Examples of these would be working on a task, writing an email, brushing our teeth, etc.
Trance-States Are Distinct From the Lifent Self
Anything that is not the lifent self, but is connected to life, is a lifent. Trance-states, as one component of our sophisticated way of perceiving and interacting with the world, are not the lifent self. Trance-states are connected to life and are, therefore, lifents. I recommend, for the purposes working with and understanding the lifent concept, that you consider the lifent self as separate from lifents and biology. You can think of it as a steady presence that relies on lifents (biological and non-biological) for everything.
Why call them trance-states?
I can’t think of another word that conveys the degree of immersion we have in our world that lifent trance-states create. Of the three types of lifent trance-states I identified above, the deepest is the overarching type. We are generally not aware that we are using a lens to perceive the world, but we are. The lens serves many, many practical purposes, but it is also probably flawed in some way. Despite flaws, our overarching sense of reality that is created by this family of trance-states allows us freedom to act, react, and interact in the world. Recognizing that our overarching trance-states are the structures that create our perception of the world and sense our reality can help us to more accurately perceive what is happening between ourselves and others. You might think your experience of reality is a basic part of who you are. You may think of this as your “self”. I don’t dispute that as a valid definition of “self”. The lifent self, however, draws a different distinction. Overarching lifent trance-states are not the lifent self. They can be observed as separate from the lifent self.