
The Warren and Sanders Conflict

A part of the effort to disrupt the 2020 elections?

Is the conflict that arose between Warren and Sanders part of the interference campaign to sow divisiveness and disrupt the 2020 US elections?

Yes, it is. But, maybe not for the reasons you think.

As I write this, pictures of Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders walking arm in arm in the Columbia, South Carolina MLK Day March are circulating through the media outlets. We don’t know if the narrative about Sanders saying that a woman couldn’t win the election was part of an intentional effort by entities outside or inside of the United States to find and insert conflictual information into the race between Sanders and Warren. I don’t know the accuracy of the assertion. However, the complete body of this “inserting divisiveness into the 2020 elections” (ID20E) lifent consists of all aspects that take on the role of helping it survive, thrive, grow, and reproduce. To put it another way, the ID20E lifent, like all lifents, has survival, growth, and reproductive components. The divisiveness lifent is one of the survival and growth components of the ID20E lifent.

Whether or not this particular divisive script was intentionally part of the campaign to disrupt the 2020 elections by sewing conflict, doubt about candidates, and confusion; now that it exists, it is definitely part of the ID20E efforts. The concept of lifents asserts that whatever contributes to the survival and growth of a lifent is part of that lifent. With functionality, rather than origins or intentionality as the criteria for being a lifent component, the problem of proving origins or intentionality diminishes. The criteria of benefit to the lifent increases in relevance instead. Right now, the W&S conflict is only a blip, but lifents, once they come into existence, can hold on and exist quietly or noisily with the potential to grow or at least persist.

In the case of Warren and Sanders, they can exercise actual (versus artificial) intelligence so as to make efforts to disempower or at least disengage survival and growth components of the ID20E lifent. Since they are the key characters of this specific ID20E narrative, they have a particularly powerful position from which to deconstruct and redirect the narrative. If they intentionally walked arm in arm to defy the narrative, they have shown that they have the ability to be systematic in disempowering it.

Human behaviors and other lifents can be components of other lifents without the person being aware of, understanding, or wanting to take on this role. Whether one intentionally participates as a body component of any lifent is not directly related to the importance or strength of that lifent body component. However, the more the person correctly perceives the lifent and the connection components of that lifent, the more power that person has to intentionally undo the connection to the harmfulness component(s). Warren and Sanders may be in such a position. If they, in other words, recognize that they are following a script favorable to the growth of the ID20E lifent, they are more able work to remove that source of energy and sustenance for the lifent.