Welcome to this blog and website!
This website and blog is my effort to describe and explore the concept of lifents. My presumption is that the concept is effective and innovative with the potential to be game-changing. I invite you to learn about the concept and then participate in exploring its application by putting the concept to work on specific problems, specific conceptualizations, specific solutions, and specific forward-focused visions.
At this time, the website is in a sort of construction period. I have been actively working on it. This means that pages may change and be rearranged from one time you view them to another.
- The website explains the concept of lifents,
- Gives guidelines for the participation in the blog, and
- Provides resources and summaries of possible or actual topics for discussion.
- The blog presents topics for active discussion and invites your input.
I believe the website will make more sense as you read the blog topics and then using the website as a reference when you have questions. I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the website by looking through it. Ignore what doesn’t make sense and just focus on what is helpful to begin with. As of now, January 3rd, there are no blog topics posted.